Installation and Operation Manual

KONA Capture, Display, Convert v15.5 94
Modes of Operation 27
MOV Format 6
Multiple AJA Devices 33
Multiple AJA Products 33
MXF Format 6
Opacity 51
Operating Modes 27
Overview 5
Pixel Format 37
Playback Mode 27
Playback Source Selection 70
Playback Timing 35
Preferences 31
Preference Settings 57
Loading 56
Reset to Default 57
Saving 56
Transferring 56
Presets 31
Presets Screen 56
Progressive Pref 48
Protocol 44
Quadrant 7
Quadrant 2-Wire 58
Quadrant 4-Wire 58
Quadrant Mode 59
Quad Swap
SDI Input 66
SDI Output 66
QuickTime Format 6
Reference Video 24
Gain and Oset 54
RGB Range 37, 41, 44
RS-422 Machine Control 6
SDI Color Sp 39
SDI Input Quad Swap 66
SDI Output Quad Swap 66
SDI Output Screen 40
4K Mode 65
8K Mode 74
SDI RGB Rng 40
SD to SD Conversion 38
Analog Output 47
Shared Preference 32
File Location 32
Shipping Box Contents 18
Single-Wire Mode 60
SMPTE Standards 60
Software 15
Software Download 24
Software Installation 24
Source 43
Video Input 39
Source Gain 71
Square Division 59
System Connections
KONA 3G 22
KONA 4 22
System Requirements 16
System Test 16
Technical Support 2
Test Pattern 35
TGA Format 6
Third-Party Application 24
Thunderbolt PCIe External Chassis
Timecode Screen 55
Timecode Source 55
Transfer 45
Transferring Saved Presets 56
Two Sample Interleave 7
UltraHD Operation 58
Up Conversion 38
Uploading Custom User LUT file 54
User Bits 55
User Preference 31
File Location 31
Using Multiple AJA Products 33
Utilities 15
VANC Checkbox 49
Video+Key 41
Video Input 39
Video Setup Screen 48
4K Mode 66
Y/C Analog Video 23