Instruction manual

KONA LH/LHe Installation and Operation Manual — Using The KONA LH
Setup Screen KONA LH provides a high-quality analog component or composite output, generally
used for monitoring. This screen shows the current settings for that analog output,
and allows you to re-configure it when desired.
KONA LH Control Panel, Setup Tab
Setup Screen Settings
Analog Black Level—choices in the black Level pulldown menu are only available for
the two Composite analog formats. Choices presented are for US or Japan
0 IRE (NTSC Japan)
Final Cut Pro 5.1+ Compatible—set this checkbox if you are running Final Cut Pro
5.1 or newer software. Not checking the box when running 5.1 (or newer) results
in reduced capture accuracy.
Analog Audio Monitor Level Audio—when a KL-Box is connected to KONA LH,
the button selected determines the audio level that will appear at the Analog
Audio Output RCA connector pair (“FSD” is full-scale-deflection reading as
measured on a VU meter). Select +18 for Europe or +24 for USA.
Lock Input Audio Gain To Unity—When set, the KONA card will ignore the Final
Cut Pro gain setting and set the audio gain at unity. When not set, this checkbox
tells the KONA card to get the audio gain setting from Final Cut Pro.