Instruction manual

Mac Desktop Video—2nd Priority
If you choose “Macintosh Desktop” as your KONA Default Video Output (Control
Tab), then the Mac Finder uses the KONA LH board as a second (or third, or
fourth...) graphics “desktop” output—as long as there isn't a QuickTime application
running. When the Finder is in control, the Primary Format is dictated by the
System Preferences “Displays” panel or by you selecting “Show Displays in the
menu bar”, from the Displays menu near the right side of the main menu bar).
When the Finder is in control of the KONA board, the KONA Control Panel
disables the Primary Format popup and puts a message in the KONA Control Panel
“Formats” tab as follows:
KONA Control Panel—3rd Priority
If a QuickTime application is not running and the Default Video Output is not set to
Mac Desktop, then the KONA LH Control Panel gets control of the board.