Instruction manual

The A/V Devices Window
Audio/Video Settings, A/V Devices Window
The A/V Devices window selects the current playback device for both audio and
video. Typically, you’ll select KONA LH for both playback devices. The format
chosen determines the Primary format for the KONA LH board during playback.
The Video Options button is greyed out for KONA LH (use the KONA LH
Control Panel for video configuration; the Audio Options button opens a second
dialog where Final Cut gives options for changing bit depth, number of channels,
and the sample rate. Since Final Cut currently only supports 2 channels of audio,
AJA recommends you leave all of these settings as set in the factory defaults.
You may wish to use a different KONA LH output for final Print-to-tape from Final
Cut. You can select that in this window by clicking the checkbox “Different Output
for Edit to Tape/Print to Video.” This allows you to select via a pull-down menu any
KONA LH video output and audio output.
The window also allows you to turn on and off device and audio output warnings.