Instruction manual

data protection 8
DB9 12, 30
Default Kona Output 50
Device Control Preset 68
Digital Out Screen 47
Digital Out Screen Settings 47
Digital System 30
Disk Storage Solutions 6
Disk Utility 8
Down (Conversion) 46
down-convert, Control Panel 41
drivers 31
Drop Frame 75
Dual Link 48
DV (DV25) 19
DV50 19
DVCProHD 19, 20, 21
Easy Setup (as listed in FCP Pulldown) 67
Easy Setups 64, 65
Easy Setups Menu 65
EBU N10 13
editing timebase 70
embedded audio 2
Factory Easy Setups 66
Features 6
features 2
Features, KONA 2 software 3
Fibre Channel 6
Field dominance 71
Final Cut Pro 4 3, 5, 39
Final Cut Pro and KONA 2 39
Final Cut Pro menu 65
Final Cut Pro™ 3
Final Cut Pro™ support 3
Format Screen Settings 46
format, primary 13
format, secondary 40
Formats and Transfer Rates/Storage Table 9
Formats Screen 45
formats, mixing and matching 21
Frame Rate 75
Frame Size 73
Frame size 71
Framebuffer 41
Freerun 52
G4 5
G5 28
Genlock 52
Genlock and Your System 36
Getting Help 82
Green 42
hard drives 7
Hardware 2
hardware and software requirements 5
HD editing 18
Hold Last Application 52
hot-swap 8
Hours of Storage 9
house reference 13
house reference sync 30
house sync 36
Icons 41
Icons, Control Panel 41
Info Screen 59
Input Pass through 51
Input Screen 43
Input Screen Settings 43
Input/Output 41
Installation Overview 23
Installation Software CD-Rom 3
Installer Screen 32
Installing Io Software 31
Installing the KONA 2 Card 25
Introduction, KONA 2 1
IRE 55
K-Box connector descriptions 12
K-Box, Front and Rear 11
key signal 47
KONA 2 Control Panel 39