User Manual

KONA LHe Plus Installation & Operation Guide — Using The AJA Control Panel
Info Screen The Information screen shows the KONA LHe Plus software files that have been installed on your
system. This information may be needed if you talk to an AJA Customer Service representative
to determine if files are missing or need updating.
AJA Control Panel, Info Screen
Who is Controlling
There are times when you might have several Quicktime applications open at one time, and
each of these might want to output their video thru the KONA video output. KONA is very
flexible and most applications perform the necessary housekeeping so they work correctly
when they're active and when they're not. This means that the application that is “active” (in
front) will be granted control of the KONA video output. Generally, when you switch to a
different application, the previous application lets go of the video output and the new
application gets control.
KONA/AJA Control Panel Control Message
The AJA Control Panel in-use message will tell you the “active” application that has control of
KONA (see in-use message above) and what the format selections are. If you click on another