User's Manual

EXCALIBUR® or VIKING™ will not fire.
Is there a battery in the marker?
Is there air/nitrogen or CO2 gas present?
Was the compressed air or nitrogen clean?
Is the marker turned on?
Is the trigger adjusted correctly?
Is the bolt stuck?
Is the SCM™/LPR regulator working?
Is the circuit board working?
Are the dwells set correctly?
Are the wires damaged.
Are the solenoids working correctly?
Velocity too Low or too High.
Is output pressure from
SIDEWINDER®(pat pend) regulator set
Is hammer dwell set correctly?
Is hammer sticking?
Is the SCM™/LPR regulator set correctly?
Is the battery fresh and new?
Is the Hammer solenoid working correctly?
Chopping paintballs
Is your hopper working correctly?
Is your bolt/hammer dwell set correctly
Is your ball detent working?
Is the SCM™/LPR regulator set correctly?
Is the battery fresh and new?
Is the bolt/hammer solenoid working
Firing too slow
Is your rate of fire (ROF) set correctly?
Are the dwell settings correct?
Is the SCM™/LPR regulator set correctly?
Is the battery fresh and new?
Excessive gas consumption
Is hammer dwell set correctly?
Is there a leak?
Gas leaking
Leaking from TORNADO®(pat # 5791328)
Leaking from ram (Excalibur®)?
Leaking from hammer (Excalibur® &
Leaking from SCM™/LPR regulator?
Leaking from SIDEWINDER®(pat pend)
Leaking from solenoid valves?
Electronic problems
Check battery power level.
Check for damaged wiring.
Check circuit board dwell settings.