User Manual

The upper-left Input Source field defines whether you are going to record an external
audio signal, which you can set to a pair of inputs (Input 1,23,4 in Standalone Mode,
Input 1,231,32 in Controller Mode) or a single input (Input 14 in Standalone Mode,
Input 132 in Controller Mode). You can also select an internal signal from within your
MPC hardware (Resample L, Resample R, or Resample L+R).
Resampling does not require an audio connection because the source is internal and is
therefore recorded without any loss in audio quality. You can, for example, use Resample
to record two or more samples by pressing the corresponding pads simultaneously.
Use the second upper-left Mono/Stereo field to choose whether your recorded
samples will be monaural (Mono) or binaural (Stereo).
The Inserts field shows any enabled or disabled effects for the Sampler. Tap the area
under Inserts to open a window where you can load, change, and enable or disable the
Important: These effects are applied to the audio as you record it. This means that the
effects cannot be “removed” from the sound later. Learn more about how effects work
in General Features > Effects.
Tap the Monitor button to enable or disable input monitoring. When on, the audio you
hear in your headphones will be taken before it reaches the Sampler, ensuring zero
latency. When off, the audio you hear in your headphones will be taken after it is
processed in the Sampler, so there may be some latency, but you will hear the audio
source as it sounds in the recording.
Tip: To avoid possible clicks or feedback while input monitoring, reduce the level of
the audio sources.
Use the threshold slider to adjust the threshold. Alternatively, turn Q-Link Knob 1
(MPC X) or the first Q-Link knob in the fourth column (MPC Live, MPC Touch).
When the Sampler is record-armed, it automatically starts recording when the level of
the incoming source exceeds this setting. If you set it too high, the recording may not
start when you play the input source, or the start of the material you wanted to record
may be missing. If you set it too low, the recording may start too early, before you play
the external source. Set this parameter to an appropriate level using the level meter.
To reset the peak hold,” which shows the highest level of your input signal in the level
meter, tap it.