Operation Manual

Advance 25 has ten different modes of operation. Enter each mode by pressing its corresponding mode
button (or Shift and the button, if it is a secondary button command). Note that a mode’s appearance may
depend on whether or not you are using the VIP software.
Click a link below to jump to the description of that mode:
Main Mode Control Mode Multi Mode
Setup Mode Control Edit Mode Multi Edit Mode
Browser Mode MIDI Mode
Global Mode MIDI Edit Mode
Main Mode
When using Advance 25 with VIP, Main Mode shows a list of
the available patches for your plugins in VIP.
To navigate this mode:
Use the Cursors to move between different fields and tabs.
You can change some global settings in this mode (MIDI
channel (MIDI Ch), octave (Oct), and transposition (Trans)),
as well.
Use the Data Dial to move through the list of patches or to
change a value or setting.
When Advance 25 without VIP, Main Mode shows a list of
available presets that let you use Advance 25 to control your
DAW. This is the same as in Setup Mode.
Note: When using Advance 25 with VIP, press Shift and the
Main (Setup) mode button to access this Setup Mode.
To navigate this mode:
Use the Cursors to move between different fields and tabs.
You can change some global settings in this mode (MIDI
channel (MIDI Ch), octave (Oct), and transposition (Trans)),
as well.
Use the Data Dial to move through the list of patches or to change a value or setting.
See the following sections to learn more about using Main Mode.