Operation Manual

Global Mode
Global Mode lets you set parameters and make changes to
Advance 25’s general (“global”) settings that are not specific
to a preset.
To navigate this mode:
Use the Page Left/Right buttons to view each page of
Use the Cursors to select the setting you want to edit.
Use the Data Dial to change a value or setting.
Important: To retain your new settings for future sessions,
save them. To do this, use the Page Right button to move to
the right-most page, select Save Global Settings, and press
the Data Dial. Without saving, the settings will return to their
default settings once you power off your Advance 25.
Available Global Settings
Below is a list of available global parameters.
Common Channel
dvance 25 will send its messages over this MIDI channel. This is the same as the
MIDI Ch setting in Main Mode or Setup Mode. You can select any one of Channels
116 or B116. The letter of the port (A or B) is relevant for USB MIDI only; the 5-
pin MIDI Out will ignore the port letter.
Note Display Type
This determines whether Advance 25’s display will show notes as a Name (e.g., C1,
F#2, etc.) or a Number (e.g., 36, 66, etc.).
Screen Brightness This determines the brightness of Advance 25’s display. The available range is 110.
Transport Format
This determines what type of transport control command
dvance 25’s transport
buttons (Play, Rec, and Stop) send. These can be set to send MIDI (MIDI
Start/Stop), CC (pre-assigned MIDI CC values), MMC (MIDI Machine Control), and
MMC/MIDI. When set to PTEX, transport control messages will be sent only on
USB Port B, Channel 16, regardless of the Common Channel setting. This setting
is for use with Avid
Pro Tools
Express only.
dvance 25s keyboard will be offset by this many octaves. This is the same as the
changing the Oct setting in in Main Mode or Setup Mode or using the Octave
Down/Up buttons. The available range is -4 to +4. 0 indicates the center (no offset).
dvance 25’s keyboard will be transposed by this many semitones. This is the same
as the Trans setting in Main Mode or Setup Mode. The available range is -36 to
+36. 0 indicates the center (no transposition).
Keybed Curve
This is the velocity curve of Advance 25’s keyboard. The available settings are
Linear, Exp1 (exponential), and Exp2 (exponential).
Keybed Sensitivity
This is the overall velocity sensitivity of Advance 25’s keyboard. The available range
is 110. At 1, it would take a lot of force to generate the maximum velocity value of
127. At 10, it is fairly easy to generate a maximum-velocity note.