Operation Manual

Pad Threshold
This is the velocity threshold to trigger Advance 25’s pads. This setting can help
prevent false triggering or make it easier to trigger the pads. The available range is
Pad Curve
This is the velocity curve of Advance 25’s pads. The available settings are Linear,
Exp1 (exponential), Exp2 (exponential), Log1 (logarithmic), and Log2 (logarithmic).
Pad Sensitivity
This is the overall velocity sensitivity of Advance 25’s pads. The available range is
110. At 1, it would take a lot of force to generate the maximum velocity value of
127. At 10, it is fairly easy to generate a maximum-velocity note.
Internal Tempo
This is the global tempo in beats per minute (BPM). When
dvance 25 is using its
internal MIDI clock (see Clock Source below), this setting also determines the speed
of the Note Repeat feature and Arpeggiator. The available range is 30300 BPM.
Tap Average
This is the number of times you would need to press Tap Tempo for Advance 25 to
detect and enter a new tempo. The available range is 24.
Tempo LED
When Advance 25 is using its internal MIDI clock (see Clock Source below), the
Tap Tempo light will flash in time with the current tempo setting. You can turn this
feature On or Off.
Clock Source
This determines whether Advance 25 uses its Internal MIDI clock or refers to an
External clock (e.g., from a DAW).
Save Global Settings
If this setting is selected and its field says Push to save, you can press the Data
Dial to store your global settings. Once the field reads No changes, the global
settings are stored in Advance 25’s internal memory.
Send Program
If this setting is selected, you can press the Data Dial to send all of Advance 25’s
current controller settings (encoder positions, switch states, etc.) to your computer
connected to the USB Port or to an external MIDI device connected to the MIDI Out.
Firmware Version
This is
dvance 25’s current firmware version.
Boot ROM
This is
dvance 25’s current read-only memory version.
Factory Reset
If this setting is selected, you can press the Data Dial to restore Advance 25’s
factory/default settings. Your Advance 25 will immediately power off and on again
with restored default global settings.