Operation Manual

Control Edit Mode
Control Edit Mode lets you edit the parameters of your
controls (minimum values, maximum values, CC or note
numbers, etc.) for the current patch in VIP. You can access
this mode only when using VIP.
Orange/yellow controls are assigned to parameters in VIP.
Green/aqua controls are assigned to MIDI CC messages,
which are sent to your DAW.
Because VIP lets you control multiple patches, make sure you
have selected the one you want before making adjustments
in this mode.
To navigate this mode:
Press the Control mode button to view each set of
controls (encoders, switches, and pads).
Use the Page Left/Right buttons to view each bank of
that control type.
Use the Cursors to select the parameter you want to edit.
Turn the Data Dial to change a value or setting.
Press the Data Dial to return to the normal Control Mode
(described earlier).
See the following sections to learn more about using Control
Edit Mode.
Selecting Controls
You can select a control to edit in one of two ways:
Select it in Control Mode as described earlier, and then press the Data Dial. The display will
immediately show the control and its parameters.
Simply turn the encoder or press the switch or pad. The display will immediately show the control and
its parameters. Use the Page Left/Right buttons at any time to select that control in another bank.
Editing Control Parameters
To edit a control’s parameters, use the Cursors to select the desired parameter, and then turn the Data Dial
to change its value or setting. The new value or setting will take effect immediately; you do not need to
confirm your choice or exit Control Edit Mode.
You can continue to edit other parameters for this control, or you can select another control to edit its
parameters instead.
To exit Control Edit Mode and return to the normal Control Mode, press the Data Dial.