Operation Manual

Multi Mode
About Multis
Multi Mode lets you use your Advance 25 to control a
multi in VIP. A multi is collection of 2–8 patches (from 1 or
more plugins). Each patch is assigned to a slot, and each
slot has an assigned color. When using a multi, you can
simultaneously control volume, panning, solos, and mutes
for each slot in a mixer-style interface. You can do this
only when using VIP.
To navigate this mode:
Use the Page Left/Right buttons to switch between
each view of 4 slots.
Use the Cursors to select a slot.
Press the Data Dial to enter Multi Edit Mode.
See the following sections to learn more about using Multi Mode.
Creating and Editing Multis
To create and load patches to a multi:
Note: You need to exit Multi Mode to load patches to a multi.
1. Press Browser to enter Browser Mode.
2. Use the Cursors to move to the Slot tab in the upper-right
corner (S#). The number indicates the currently selected
slot of the multi.
3. Turn the Data Dial to select the desired slot (S1S8) and
then press the Data Dial.
4. Use the Data Dial and Cursors as you would in Browser
Mode (described in Browser Mode > Loading Patches) to
select and load a patch. That patch will then be loaded to
the slot of the multi. Repeat Steps 2–4 to add more
5. Press Multi to return to Multi Mode.
To clear patches from a multi:
1. In Multi Mode, use the Left/Right Cursors to select the patch you want to clear from the multi.
2. Press the Up Cursor to select Clear Slot in the upper-right corner.
3. Press the Data Dial to clear the slot.
To clear patches from other multi slots, repeat these steps.