Operation Manual

Advance 25’s Arpeggiator separates chords whose rate is based on the current tempo and time division
settings. The Arpeggiator will function on notes being played on the keyboard only. You can sync the
Arpeggiator to an internal or external MIDI clock source.
To edit the Arpeggiator’s parameters, press and hold Shift and then press Arp. The Arpeggiator’s
parameters will appear in the display.
This is the type of arpeggio a played chord will produce when the
rpeggiator is on.
There are over 100 unique arpeggios to choose from.
This is the total range of the arpeggio in octaves. The available range is 03. The
direction depends on the Type.
This is the amount of swing used in the notes of the arpeggio. The available range is
Time Div
This is the
rpeggiator’s speed shown as a division of the master tempo or external
clock. The available options are 1/4, 1/4T, 1/8, 1/8T, 1/16, 1/16T, 1/32, and 1/32T.
(T denotes a triplet-based time division.)
Tip: Alternatively, press Time Div so it is lit, and then press one of the 8 switches to
select the time division shown underneath each of them.
Note Len
This is the length of the arpeggiated notes. The available range is 1%50% of the
current time division setting. (Depending on the currently loaded patch/patches,
adjustments to this setting may not have an obvious effect.)
Note Repeat
While Advance 25’s Note Repeat feature is active, striking a pad causes its note to retrigger at a rate based
on the current tempo and time division settings. You can sync Note Repeat to an internal or external MIDI
Clock source.
To edit Note Repeat’s parameters, press and hold Shift and then press Note Repeat.
Swing This is the amount of swing used in the repeated notes. The available range is 50%75%.
Time Div
This is the speed of the repeated notes shown as a division of the master tempo or external
clock. The available options are 1/4, 1/4T, 1/8, 1/8T, 1/16, 1/16T, 1/32, and 1/32T.
(T denotes a triplet-based time division.)
Tip: Alternatively, press Time Div so it is lit, and then press one of the 8 switches to
select the time division shown underneath each of them.