
To activate the Arpeggiator:
1. Make sure [ARP MODE] is lit. If it is unlit, press it.
2. Press [ON/OFF] (next to the pads).
3. Play some chords on the keyboard!
Latching the Arpeggiator:
When the Arpeggiator is on and [LATCH] has been enabled, you can hold down a combination of keys, and
the Arpeggiator will memorize and continue to arpeggiate these notes, even after you lift your fingers. There
are a couple of ways to use the [LATCH] function:
a. While holding down the keys, you can add more notes to the arpeggiated chord by pressing down
additional keys.
b. If you press the keys, release them, and then press down a new combination of notes, the Arpeggiator
will memorize and arpeggiate the new notes.
Arpeggiator settings:
You can set the Arpeggiator's settings by using MAX49's pads. Each pad has text printed above it on the
right-hand side, which denotes an Arpeggiator mode.
Hold down [ARP MODE] and the currently selected pads will illuminate red to show the Arpeggiator's current
The top row of pads, determine the octave range of the Arpeggiation. The available range is 0 to +3
octaves (OCT 0-3).
The available Arpeggiation types are:
o Up: Notes will sound from the lowest to the highest.
o Down: Notes will sound from the highest to lowest.
o Incl (Inclusive): Notes will sound from the lowest to the highest, then back down. The lowest and
highest notes will sound twice at the direction change.
o Excl (Exclusive): Notes will sound from the lowest to the highest, then back down. The lowest
and highest notes will sound only once at the direction change.
o Random: Notes will sound in random order.
o Chord: All notes of the chord will sound together repeatedly
o Note Double: Each note will sound twice. This setting can be selected in conjunction with any of
the settings described below, except Chord.
o Pattern: Determines whether the Arpeggiator will use the pattern shown in the Pattern Indicator
or not. See the ARPEGGIATOR part of the EDIT MODE section for more information.
You can adjust more Arpeggiator settings (Gate, Swing, Pattern, etc.) in Edit Mode. See the ARPEGGIATOR
part of the EDIT MODE section for more information.