User Manual

3 Setting Up
3.7 Multichannel Systems
3.8 Setting Input Gain
3.8.1 Using Automatic Gain
1. Be sure to assign a separate carrier frequency to each wireless channel (transmitter and receiver).
2. To find intermodulation-free carrier frequencies quickly and easily, we recommend selecting all
required carrier frequencies from the same Frequency Group within the same Preset.
If reception on the selected carrier frequency is disturbed, increase or decrease the carrier frequency
by at least 50 kHz or one or two Subchannels on each transmitter and receiver.
This is necessary to provide the minimum frequency spacing required for intermodulation-free multi-
channel operation.
Do not operate two or more wireless channels on the same frequency at the same time and
location. This would cause unwanted noise due to radio interference.
You can set the transmitter input gain either in SILENT mode or in SETUP mode. We recommend setting
the input gain in SETUP mode because you can switch to LOCK mode directly, without having to power
down first.
1. To move from LOCK mode to SETUP mode, push and hold the jog switch for approx. 1.5 seconds.
The display will change as follows:
2. Turn the jog switch briefly to the right twice.
The display will show the current input gain in dB and the "GAIN" label will be flashing.
3. Push the jog switch briefly.
This will bring up the following screen:
4. You have now the choice of setting the input gain in automatic mode (section 3.8.1) or manually (sec-
tion 3.8.2).
1. Push the jog switch briefly.
The message "tESt" will start flashing on the display.
2. Talk or sing into the microphone as loud as you can.
3. The input gain will be automatically set to the optimum level.
The display indicates the audio level by short lines. The peak level is indicated by a heavier line that
will remain fixed for approx. 2 seconds.
4. Push the jog switch briefly.
This brings up the following screen: