User guide

NT2 LAN NAS Configuration
Page 19
2.2 User Interface & Settings
2.2.1 Main Page
Album Show
Lists all files that have previously been added to an album. This is an easy way to view your files in
the web browser and create your custom slideshows similar to a playlist. It also allows you to
quickly share the files with your family members who have an account on your network drive or
share them with your friends by making use of the built-in Cooliris plug-in.
My Web Storage
File browser to manage and organize your media files on the network drive. You can download and
upload files via web browser as well as organize your media according to folders and albums,
similar to the file explorer or finder on a computer.
Advanced settings and system information about your network drive. The option to configure the
settings of the network drive is only available for the system administrator.
Includes useful applications such as BitTorrent and HTTP download manager.
Option to change the home server name used for remote and local login via web browser. By
default, the MAC address of your network drive is used but you can register your own name,
making it easier to remember it when on-the-road.