Product Info

X933/C319 Series Administrator Guide
An outbound proxy server is used to receive all initiating request messages
and route them to the designated SIP server in order to establish call session
via port-based data transmission. To configure outbound Proxy server on
Account > Basic > Outbound Proxy Server interface.
Parameter Set-up:
Outbound Enable: check or uncheck to turn on or turn off the outbound
proxy server.
Preferred Outbound Proxy Server: enter the SIP address of the outbound
proxy server.
Preferred Outbound Proxy Port: Enter the Port number for establish call
session via the outbound proxy server.
Alternate Outbound Proxy Server: set up Backup Server IP for the backup
outbound proxy server.
Alternate Outbound Proxy Port: enter the Port number for establish call
session via the backup outbound proxy server.
11.6.SIP Call DND & Return Code Configuration
DND (Do not disturb) setting allows you not to be disturbed by any unwanted
incoming SIP calls. You can set up DND related parameters properly on the
device web Phone > Call Feature > DND interface to block SIP calls you do