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Table Of Contents
E16C Administrator Guide
Parameter set-up:
Enabled: tick the check box if want to enable the card reader LED lighting
and vice versa.
Start Time - End Time (H): enter the time span for the LED lighting to be
valid, e.g. if the time span is from 18-22 it means LED light will stay on
during the time span from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm during one day (24
5.3.2. Configure LED White Light Setting
LED White light is used to reinforce the lighting for facial recognition as well
as for the QR code access as needed in the dark environment. To configure
the configuration on web Device > Light > White Light interface.
Parameter Set-up:
Mode: select Auto or OFF”. If you select Auto then the white light will
turn on for 5 minutes for facial recognition and QR code scan. And if you
select Off then the white light will be turned off.
Max White Light Value: set the white light value from 1-5, and the default
white light value is “3”. The greater value it is, the brighter the light will