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E16C Administrator Guide
12.3.2. RTSP Stream Setting
You can select the video codec format for the RTSP stream for the
monitoring and you can also configure video resolution and bitrate etc. which
based on your actual network environment on the web interface. To
configure the configuration on web Surveillance > RTSP > H.264 Video
Parameters interface.
Parameter Set-up:
Video Resolution: select video resolutions among seven options: QCIF”,
“QVGA”,”CIF”,”VGA”,”4CIF”,”720P,”1080P”. The default video resolution
is 720P. and the video from the door phone might not be able to be
shown in the indoor monitor if the resolution is set higher than 720P”.
Video Framerate: “25fps” is the video frame rate by default.
Video Bitrate: select video bit-rate among six options: 128 kbps”,
“256kbps”, “512 kbps”, “1024 kbps”, “2048 kbps”, “4096 kpbs”
according to your network environment. The default video bit-rate is
2048 kpbs”.
2nd Video Resolution2: select video resolution for the second video
stream channel. While the default video solution is VGA”.
2nd Video Framerate: select the video framerate for the second video
stream channel. “25fps” is the video frame rate by default for the second
video stream channel.