Operation Manual

Antenna Installation
To obtain the best performance from your CB radio is important to install a good quality
You should purchase a suitable mobile antenna designed for the 27MHz
frequency band.
Connect the antenna to the rear antenna socket using a PL259 coaxial
connector. Where necessary, solder the connector carefully at the inner
connector of the coaxial cable and avoid any short circuit with one of the thin
copper wires of the outer coaxial shielding.
To obtain maximum performance from the transceiver, mount the antenna in a
suitable position for good and free radiation from the metallic car surface.
Standard mobile antennas need a good car body ground connection for best
efficiency. Most standard mobile antennas cannot work without car body ground
Most CB antennas (except our Gamma” series) need a fine tuning for best
Special ground less antennas are obtainable for motor homes or trucks in cases
where the antenna position is made from plastic or fiberglass or where a
grounding is not possible. Such antennas do only work on fiberglass or plastic
car body structures and do not work immediately on metallic structures.
Do not use any transmit function (e.g. PTT) before installing the antenna.
Antenna SWR information
For radio communications, each antenna should have
a good matching to avoid too
much energy loss across the transmission lines or defects of
transmitter stages or
power amplifiers
A good antenna obtains an SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) of 1.5 or even better.
This means that most of the transmitting power is f
orwarded correctly from
transmitter via cable to the antenna, and that the amount of reflected power is small.
It is easy to measure the SWR, which is as well a g
ood indicator for the correct
installation. An SWR meter is a basic and cheap tes
t instrument, which should
belong to the toolbox of any installer and radio specialist.
High SWR values (more than SWR = 3.0 ) not only may damage the
transceiver but
also lead to interference problems with other electronic items.