Operation Manual

Legal Information and Conformity Declaration
The radio may be used in European Countries only according to following information, which
we publish as “Radio Passport”. Because the number of countries allowing the new AM +FM
standard is changing, the latest version of this radio passport is published on our Internet web
server and may be downloaded any time. (http://www.service.alan-electronics.de or
) The version printed in this user manual has been issued in November
Country Country switch position Licence and operating conditions
Operation only with individual license
Austria 40 FM Austria does not accept radios with country
switches, please do not use in Austria or ask Your
dealer for a limited 40 CH FM version
Italy and San Marino 40 AM and 40 FM Licence and regular charges for residents
Switzerland and
40 AM and 40 FM Licence and monthly charges for residents
Spain 40 AM and 40 FM, E and EU Licence and regular charges for residents
Operation without licence and charges allowed
Belgium 40FM and 40 AM Free of licence and charges for all users
Czech Republic 80/40 switch position Free of licence and charges for all users, but AM
channels are not allowed to be used
Denmark / Lithuania 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
Finland 40 AM and 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
(travellers with Circulation Card)
France 40 AM and 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
Germany 80/40, 40/40, 40 FM
switch positions dE, EU, EC
Free of licence and charges for all users except in
some border regions for base stations using
channels 41-80
Greece 40 FM and 40 AM Free of licence and charges for all users
Hungary 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
Cyprus 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
Iceland 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
Ireland 40 FM and 40 AM Free of licence and charges for all users
Luxembourg, Malta 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
Netherlands 40 AM and 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
Norway 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
Latvia, Poland,
Portugal and Romania
40 AM and 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
In Poland Po switch position (4 W AM/FM, Poland
frequencies) additionally allowed
Slovak Republic 40 FM + CH 70-80 FM
80/40 switch position dE
Free of license and charges for all users, German
setting allowed – Use of AM forbidden
Spain 40 FM and 40 AM, switch
positions EU, EC and E
Free of licence and charges for travellers with
Circulation Card (recommended)
Slovenia, Sweden 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
Switzerland and
40 FM and 40/40 Free of licence and charges for travellers with
Circulation Card (recommended)
United Kingdom UK 40 FM Free of licence and charges for all users
Important Note:
Please respect the licence conditions in the above listed countries and do not use the radio
without licence, where necessary. For travelling with Your radio, we recommend to provide a copy of Your home
country licence document and / or this Radio Passport together with the radio.