User's Manual

3CC12426AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 63/346
Table 22: Color codes for IF cables
For example, if n (X-Pol RBS Tx #) is 5, the number of bands is (2x5)-1, which equals 9 colo-
red bands. A white band is added if the cable attaches to a redundant X-Pol RBS Tx.
For example, if n (X-Pol RBS Rx #) is 5, the number of bands is (2x5), which equals 10 colo-
red bands. A white band is added if the cable attaches to a redundant X-Pol RBS Rx.
Figure 31 shows an example of a cable marked for identification. According to the bands on the cable
(3 red bands and 1 white band), the cable connects to the second redundant X-Pol RBS Tx in sector B.
Figure 31 – IF cable marked for identification
All IF cables should be marked for identification close to where a cable connector is installed. To simplify
the installation of IF cables, mark the cables as they are being installed at the following points:
where a cable attaches to the 12:2 Combiner/Splitter,
Sector C X-Pol RBS Tx #1 1 green band 1 green band, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Rx #1 2 green bands 2 green bands, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Tx #2 3 green bands 3 green bands, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Rx #2 4 green bands 4 green bands, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Tx #n
green bands 2n-1
green bands, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Rx #n
green bands 2n
green bands, 1 white band
Sector D X-Pol RBS Tx #1 1 yellow band 1 yellow band, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Rx #1 2 yellow bands 2 yellow bands, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Tx #2 3 yellow bands 3 yellow bands, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Rx #2 4 yellow bands 4 yellow bands, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Tx #n
yellow bands 2n-1
yellow bands, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Rx #n
yellow bands 2n
yellow bands, 1 white band
X-Pol RBS Tx or
X-Pol RBS Rx
Number and color of bands
(primary X-Pol RBS Tx
or X-Pol RBS Rx)
Number and color of bands
(Redundant X-Pol RBS Tx
or X-Pol RBS Rx)
Red White
Sector B, X-Pol RBS Tx # 2