User's Manual

3CC12425AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 03 25/70
3 Installation of the X-Pol RT’s A7390 Terminal Sta-
3.1 Equipment delivery
When you receive the equipment in its packaging:
Check the condition of the packaging.
If damaged, notify ALCATEL without delay.
3.1.1 Unpacking
You are recommended to:
unpack the equipment according to the instructions on the packaging, and to the instructions given
take an inventory and identify any missing items. If the delivery does not match the delivery advice
note, notify ALCATEL within 48 hours of receipt of the equipment.
3.2 Installing an X-Pol RT
There are two types of X-Pol RTs: side-mount and rear-mount. Both X-Pol RTs have the same part
number, and are shipped according to availability.
Side-mount and rear-mount X-Pol RTs use the same X-Pol RT mounting bracket, shown in Figure 5 –
X-Pol RT mounting bracket. As indicated in the figure, the rear-mount and side-mount X-Pol RTs mount
to the bracket in two separate locations.
Figure 5 – X-Pol RT mounting bracket
Note 1: X-Pol RTs must be installed and serviced by trained personnel who are experienced
in the local, national, international civil electrical and safety regulations of the area where
the equipment is being installed.
Some areas require that only licensed individuals may install and service equipment.
Consult appropriate local authorities prior to installation.
Note 2: If more than one X-Pol RT is installed at the same customer site, the X-Pol RTs
must be installed at least 1 m (3.28 ft) apart (horizontal or vertical), to avoid blocking line-of-
sight access to the BS.
Mounting holes for
Mounting holes for
rear-mount antenna
Mounting bracket
side-mount antenna