User's Manual

3CC12426AAAA TQ BJA 01 Issue 01 - April 2001 - Draft 04 205/346
234– Configuration of NT ports
As the NT port configuration principle is the same as that for E1 leased lines, refer to §
Configuration of NT ports.– Cross-connect
As the TNT/NT ports cross connection principle is the same as that for E1 leased lines, refer to §
– Cross-connect.
Note: In the case of cross connection G703 we have 25 TSs transmitted on the radio (24 used and 1TS
for the frame management from where 25x64 = 1.6 Mbps).– Grooming
As the possibility of grooming is the same as for the E1 leased lines, refer to § – Grooming.
, access the ports configuration of the chosen NT by clicking on the second
button, shown here (on the button bar of the T1 Leased Lines screen).
T1 type (TNT) ports cannot be cross connected with E1 or X21 type (NT) ports.
To make a T1 "cross-connection", only T1 type ports with the same configuration can
be cross connected:
G703-G703 (unstructured cross connect),
G704SF-G704SF (structured cross connect),
G704ESF-G704ESF (structured cross connect).
On the E1 cross-connection screen (see § – Presentation
of the E1 link management screen),
Click on the arrow to scroll down the NT list declared, then select
the NT concerned by the cross-connect.