User's Manual

Mounting options
This topic describes the mounting options for 9927 Distributed Base Station Outdoor
Structural requirements
Floor loading, roof loading, and foundations must be considered during site preparation.
In some cases, the cell site equipment will not rest directly on the concrete pad, floor, or
rooftop. In those cases, the cell equipment will need to be supported by an intermediate
structure that is fastened directly to the mounting surface. The cabinets must be supported
along all four edges. The support structure must be designed in compliance with BOCA
national building codes and all other applicable codes.
If the cabinets are elevated more than 152.4 mm (6 inches) above the floor surface, it is
recommended that a platform be placed under the cabinets to provide a safe and
convenient work surface for technicians. The customer may use a custom-designed
platform and will be responsible for supplying the 12 mm (1/2 inch.) bolt size hardware.
A platform bolt-down kit is available from Alcatel-Lucent.
Concrete pad requirements
If cabinets will be installed on a concrete pad, the concrete pad must be supplied as part
of site preparation and must meet the following requirements:
Minimum pressure = 175 kg/cm
(2500 psi)
Minimum thickness = 114 mm (4.5 inches)
The surface of the concrete pad must comply with national and local building codes.
The concrete pad must be able to support the maximum weight of the cabinets.
The concrete pad must be able to allow drilling of up to 100 mm anchor holes to
secure the cabinets to the pad.
The concrete pad must be level and the total variation of the top flat surface must be
±1/4 inch.
Rooftop requirements
The following requirements must be met when cabinets are installed on the roof of a
The building must comply with Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA)
building codes.
Additional support structure is required.
Basic site preparation requirements and footprints for 9927
Distributed Base Station outdoor cabinet
Site requirements for 9927 Distributed Base Station
Outdoor cabinet
Mounting options
9927 Dist BTS Outdoor
Issue 1 March 2012
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Use pursuant to applicable agreements