User's Manual

Lucent Technologies Proprietary
See notice on first page
401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000
CDMA Maintenance
will abort the overhead channel functional test for the selected antenna
If the cell being tested has more than one antenna face, and if the test was
initiated manually for more than one antenna face, the RCC will immediately
select and begin testing the next antenna face. If the test was initiated by a timer
a scheduled functional test, the RCC will wait a certain amount of time before
testing the next antenna face.
The RCC will report the test results (pass, fail) of all manually initiated overhead
channel functional tests to the ECP. In contrast, the RCC will only report the tests
results of a routine (scheduled) overhead channel functional test if the test fails.
Traffic Path Functional Test
The objective of the traffic path functional test is to verify that a CDMA traffic path
can be established and maintained through every traffic CE on every antenna
face, or sector, of the cell. A CE configured as a traffic channel contains the
necessary circuitry to process one CDMA traffic channel.
A traffic channel, which is a communication path between a mobile station
and a Cell Site, carries user and signaling information. The term traffic
channel implies a forward and reverse pair.
The test begins with an overhead channel functional test, during which the RCC
instructs the CRTU to dial the CRTU-designated MOST directory number to test
the access-paging portion of the overhead channel test. The RCC then completes
the call using a traffic CE available to the antenna face being tested, and then
hands off the call from CE to CE to test every traffic channel path available to the
antenna face.
The RCC repeats the MOST call origination and handoff for each antenna face of
the cell. The testing time of one antenna face varies from less than one minute to
more than three or four minutes, depending upon how many idle traffic CEs are
available to the antenna face.
The traffic path functional test may be initiated in one of two ways: by a manual
request or by a timerscheduledassuming that the traffic path functional tests
are in the allowed state.
The traffic path functional test consists of the following basic steps.
1. The RCC selects an antenna face and then performs an overhead channel
functional test on that face. The RCC instructs the CRTU to dial the CRTU-
designated MOST directory number to test the access-paging portion of