User's Manual

Lucent Technologies Proprietary
See notice on first page
401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000
Don't forget to reconnect the J104 connector at the top of the RCF prior to
leaving the site.
Running the LAQS Software 0
After connecting to the alarm bus, run the LAQS program. The software should be
installed in the C:\LAQS directory. Type in the following DOS commands:
cd C:\LAQS
The computer will display a menu similar to the following:
LAQS - Linear Amplifier Query System
Addresses of On-Line LACS: 0 1 2 3
Currently Selected LAC: 0
1) Show Alarm Status of On-Line LACs
2) Show Error Registers of Current LAC
3) Clear Error Registers of Current LAC
4) Select Another Available LAC
5) Re-query for Listening LACs
6) Set Options
r) Refresh Screen
x) Exit Program
Enter Command:
When initially loaded, the LAQS software searches for LACs connected to the
alarm bus and displays their addresses on the line entitled "Addresses of On-Line
LACS:". After the software is loaded, Option 5 can be used to initiate another
search for LACs.
The Currently Selected LAC: defaults to the first LAC found when the LAQS
program is started. This LAC is the one which will respond to menu Options 2 and
3. The currently selected LAC can be changed by selecting menu Option 4.
If the LAC addresses shown do not correspond to the LACs which are
installed in the site, if error messages are displayed, or if the LAQS system
does not operate as expected, there may be a SANITY problem with one or
more of the LACs. See the Sanity Alarm Procedure. Also, check to make