User's Manual

Lucent Technologies Proprietary
See notice on first page
401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000
sure that the LAC has the proper firmware version installed, as explained in
the Processor Alarm Procedure.
Description of LAQS Menu Options 0
1. Show alarm status of On-Line LACs
Selecting this option will cause the software to continuously display the
alarm status of the LACs attached to the alarm bus. This option can be
used to monitor the LAC alarm status in a cell site while performing
Selecting this option in a site with four alarm-free, 20-LAM LACs would
cause the following lines to be displayed:
Press any key to return to main menu...
2. Show Error Registers of Current LAC
Selecting this option will cause the software to display the contents of the
microprocessor alarm registers in the currently selected LAC. Selecting this
option would display the following screen:
Would you like to re-query the LAC Error Registers (y/n)?
The response indicates the number of times that the LAC has issued a
processor alarm under each of 13 categories. In this case, all registers
show a Count of 0, indicating that the LAC did not issue a processor alarm.
LAC Address Alarm Status: 4 LACs On-Line
----------- ----------------------------
0 No Alarm
20 LAM Configuration
Input Overdrive Warning - Non-Active
1 No Alarm
20 LAM Configuration
Input Overdrive Warning - Non-Active
2 No Alarm
20 LAM Configuration
Input Overdrive Warning - Non-Active
3 No Alarm
20 LAM Configuration
Input Overdrive Warning - Non-Active