User's Manual

Lucent Technologies Proprietary
See notice on first page
401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000
Air should go in (intake) the left fan and out (exhaust) the right fan. See
marking on fan label for airflow direction.
7. Splice cabling (red to red, black to black, and blue to blue) for both fans
using heat gun.
8. Close the penthouse door and tighten screws.
9. Restore power to the frame. For each LAC, turn on the four LAU circuit
breakers first, then the linearizer circuit breaker.
Linearizer Fan Replacement
Included in 847011681 kit:
Linearizer fan (1)
Splices (3).
Tools needed:
Slotted screwdrivers
Wire cutters
Heat gun (for splicing).
To replace the linearizer fan, perform the following steps: