User's Manual

Lucent Technologies Proprietary
See notice on first page
401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000
Alarm Collection and Reporting
Contents 18-1
Introduction 18-3
Equipment Alarms 18-4
Alarm Status Registers and Scan Points 18-5
Alarm Reporting to the ECP 18-6
Cell Site Alarm Circuits 18-13
User-Defined Alarms 18-14
Increased Cell Alarms Enhancement 18-16
New Hardware for the Increased Cell Alarms Enhancement 18-17
New Translations for the Increased Cell Alarms Enhancement 18-18
Support Documentation for the Increased Cell Alarms
Enhancement 18-18
Directional Setup 18-18
Alarm Scanning Redesign 18-21
Introduction 18-21
Scope 18-22
Customer Perspective 18-23
Features 18-23
Cell Site Functions 18-23