User's Manual

Lucent Technologies – Proprietary
See notice on first page
FOA Draft Issue 1
January, 2006
In Chapter 2:
4.0B heat exchanger and solar shield table revised. Refer to
Heat exchanger and solar shield configurations for Modular Cell
4.0B cabinets on Page 2 - 69.
In Chapter 3:
Addition of installation instructions for the dual band
integrated power alarm cable. Refer to Route and punch down
the dual band cabinet integrated power alarms on the EFIM in the
Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet, if applicable on Page 3 - 49
In Chapter 4:
AC junction box and conduit paragraph and figure added.
Refer to AC conduits on Page 4 - 3
In Chapter 6:
RF cable routing and connection added between a 4.0B PCS
Dual Band G-2 or G-3 cabinets and existing Legacy cabinets.
Refer to Routing and connection of RF inter-frame cables to a
4.0B Modular Cell dual band cabinet on Page 6 - 8
In Appendix A:
EZBFo footprint figure with Modular Cell 4.0B cabinets
added. Refer to EZBFo battery frame footprint with Modular Cell
4.0B primary and dual band cabinets on Page A - 5
In Appendix B:
Revisions to Appendix B to add an additional DC cable for
cabinets with an A6 shelf. Refer to
How to route and connect
DC power cables to the Modular Cell 4.0B primary cabinet on
Page B - 18, and How to route and connect DC power cables to a
Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet on Page B - 54
In "Installation Process":
Revised installation process checklist references as a result of
changes made in the applicable chapters and appendices