User's Manual

Lucent Technologies – Proprietary
See notice on first page
FOA Draft Issue 1
January, 2006
RF cable connections between existing Modular Cell
cabinets and a 4.0B dual band cabinet
Route and connect the GPS
Perform the following steps to route and connect the internal GPS cable
from the Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet being installed to the
primary cabinet. Refer to the table starting on Page. 6 - 20. for cable
routing and connection.
1 Determine the number of the cabinet line-up configuration which will be
created by the addition of the 4.0B dual band cabinet being installed.
2 Using the line-up configuration number, locate the line-up in the table
starting on Page. 6 - 20.
3 Locate the internal GPS splitter inside the Modular Cell 4.0B dual band
cabinet being installed. The GPS splitter is located on the right inside
frame near the top of the cabinet.
4 Locate the GPS cable coiled inside the Modular Cell 4.0B dual band
cabinet being installed. Refer to the applicable line-up in the table starting
on Page. 6 - 20. Uncoil only as much of the cable as required to reach the
GPS splitter located on the right inside frame near the top of the primary
Important! When performing the next steps, route the cables in
such a way that they do not interfere with removal / replacement of
components, and front door closure. Refer to the applicable line-up
in the table starting on Page. 6 - 20.
5 In the Modular Cell 4.0B dual band cabinet being installed, route the GPS
cable through the RF cable gasket between the cabinets:
For line-up 1, route the cable into the primary cabinet
For line-ups 2, 3, and 4, route the cable through the G-1 cabinet and
into the primary cabinet
For line-ups 5 and 6, route the cables through the G-2 and G-1
cabinets and into the primary cabinet