User's Manual

Modular Cell 4.0B and WNG24-BC cabinet handling,
placement, anchoring and grounding
2- 39
Lucent Technologies – Proprietary
See notice on first page
FOA Draft Issue 1
January, 2006
Partially install the AC
cable guide in the cabinet
being installed
Refer to the figure on Page 2-39 and perform the following steps to
partially install the AC cable guide in the battery cabinet.
Important! The following steps must be performed before
moving the WNG battery cabinet into position against the existing
1 Refer to the figure on Page 2-39 and place a sealing washer (“BOX
SIDE” facing the cabinet wall) and lock nut on one end of the 2-inch
feed-through coupling.
Important! Do not disfigure the sealing washer in any way.
Otherwise the watertight seal will be lost (at a point near the
bottom of the cabinet).
2 Insert the other end of the 2-inch coupling through the cabinet wall.
3 Position the 10-mm spacer on the coupling on the outside of the cabinet
wall, as shown in the figure below.