User's Manual

A- 60
Lucent Technologies – Proprietary
See notice on first page
FOA Draft Issue 1
January, 2006
Route and connect the four
24V Return cables in the
battery base module
Perform the following steps to route and connect the four 24V Return
cables in the battery base module.
Important! Before performing the following step be sure that
the unterminated ends (Modular Cell ends) are individually taped.
1 Lay out the four 24V Return cables in the battery base module to reach
the 24V Return bus (Marked “RTN-1) located inside the outer frame on
the left side. Refer to the figure on Page A - 61.
2 Remove the nuts from the specific RTN bus bar locations. Refer to the
figure on Page A - 61.
3 Using antioxidant compound, place the four load cables on the threaded
studs in the locations shown, two piggy-backed on both sets of studs.
Refer to the figure on Page A - 61