User's Manual

Figure 5 - 3 Troubleshooting Radio XMT Alarms (Sheet 1 of 2)
Transmitter Fault
Transmitter OnLine
RF Common Loss
PA Temperature
PA RF Power
Transmitter RF Power
ATPC High Power
ATPC Timeout
Sync Loss
PA temperature limits exceeded.
Check mounting screws.
ATPC has been active for 5 minutes
without returning to normal (drops
back to low power only if ATPC has
been enabled with timeout).
Loss of XMT signal detected at output of PA. If any other alarms are red, go to 1.
If not, go to 2.
1. If Off Normal alarm is lit, check 10.5 V switch on power supply is on. If not,
remove/replace PA module.
Measure RF level at RF MON connector on XMTR module. If level is low, go
to 3. If not, go to 4.
3. Measure frequency at XTAL MON connector on XMTR module. If frequency
is correct, remove/replace XMTR module. If not, remove/replace XTAL
Oscillator Subboard.
4. Remove/replace PA module.
Loss of XMT signal detected at output of
PA. If I/O common alarm and XMT
Loss alarm are red, go to 1. If not,
go to 2.
1. Remove/replace I/O Interface
2. Measure RF level at RF MON
connector on XMTR module. If level
is low, go to 3. If not, go to 4.
3. Measure frequency at XTAL MON
connector on XMTR module. If
frequency is correct, remove/
replace XMTR module. If not,
remove/replace XTAL oscillator
4. Remove/replace PA module.
In protected systems, indicates failure in synchronization
between I/O Interface modules. If I/O Interface module
in-service is not active on alarmed side, failure is between
A and B I/O Interface modules. If I/O Interface module
in-service is active, failure is between repeater racks of
synchronous repeater.
1. Replace A-side I/O Interface module.
2. Replace B-side I/O Interface module.