User's Manual Part 2

Modules may be removed or installed with shelf power applied. How-
ever, exercise reasonable care to prevent contacting adjacent modules.
If clearances are narrow, consider setting the power supply to OFF
while the module is being removed or replaced. (Before setting any
switch to OFF, verify that traffic has been protected.)
Before replacing any module, refer to Table 5-2 to determine the actions, other than phys-
ical replacement, required. If the module has any options (switches, subboards, etc.), refer
to the removed module so that the replacement module can be set up the same way.
Any module installed in the card cage, except those having front-panel cable connections,
can be removed by grasping the module handle(s) and pulling firmly outward. Modules
with front-panel interconnects can be removed in the same manner after disconnecting the
cable from the module being removed and moving the cable out of the way.
To install a module in the card cage, insert the module card connector edge into the appro-
priate card slot. Engage module handles in card cage and press on module handles until
they are latched and the card is fully seated. After installing a module with front-panel
interconnections, reconnect the cable(s) to the front-panel connector(s).
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