User's Manual Part 1

Recommended connectorized cable assembly – PN 695-7836-001/005 (25 pair shielded
cable with 50 pin Amp connectors) (SCSI). See Figure A-8 for shelf connector location
and pinout.
Use repeater cables for cabling repeater shelf 1 to repeater shelf 2
(eastbound/westbound data/clock)
Fiber Optic Cable Connections
This system normally operates as a Class I Laser Product
(no hazard), however during servicing operations, when
optical connectors are being connected, disconnected, or
handled without dust covers, it is possible to be exposed
to Class IIIB laser radiation which can cause eye damage.
Fiber optic connectors are delicate and can be damaged
easily by dirt or debris on the end of the connector. Keep
fiber optic connectors free of dust and debris by cleaning
the connector before and after use. Carefully clean the
fiber optic connector and cable ends with a cotton swab
dipped in alcohol or an alcohol wipe. Keep safety cap on
connectors when not in use.
The OC3 radio repeater cable carries DS1 clocks, data, and over-
head for two directions. OC3 fiber optic cables must be run sepa-
rately. If the repeater cable is not used, the embedded data in the
overhead must also be cabled individually. In this case, separate
cables must be run for MCS-11, audio, RS-232, and ELMC.
Possibility of
to Personnel
Possibility of
to Equipment