User's Manual

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110/136 3CC10875AAAA TQ BJA 02
Issue 02 -January, 10 2000
The E1–G704 port of the NT
The Ethernet port of the NT Terminology relating to the alarms
Active alarm: an alarm is active as soon as the start of this alarm is notified to the ANT board, and remains so as
long as its end is not notified
Anomaly: Discrepancy between the intended and real characteristics of an item. An anomaly may or may not
affect the capacity of this item to carry out a required function. Several successive anomalies of the same type
are generally considered a fault.
Defect: Limited interruption of the capacity of an item to carry out the required function. A defect may or may not
necessitate maintenance action.
Alarm clearance: Clearing an alarm initiation by notifying its end.
Board alarm function: For AMD, TNT, IBS, RBS or NT boards, the alarm function is the totality of the “Alarms
control” functions of the elements that they manage.
Alarm masking: Storage of an alarm without immediate notification of alarm initiation. Masking allows the
seriousness of the alarms for a given element to be hierarchically ordered: masking is carried out when a higher
order alarm appears. If on unmasking (carried out at the end of the higher order alarm) the alarm which was
masked is still present, an alarm initiation must be notified. Abbreviations relating to the alarms
AIS Alarm indication signal
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
FAS Frame alignment signal
LMFA Loss of multiframe alignment
LOF Loss of frame alignment
LOP Loss of pointer
LOPC Loss of polling cell
LORF Loss of Radio Frame
LOS Loss of signal
MSC Message sequence chart
OOF Out of Frame
PAIS Pointer Alarm indication signal
RAI Remote alarm indicator
RDI Remote defect indication
REI Remote error indication
6.3.2 Definition of 9900NE alarms Alarms relating to boards
The actions described are not necessarily controlled by the management software (they can be controlled by
the equipment itself). In this table, the term “board” may related to a board of the DBS (ANT, TNT, AMD, IBS,
CPL, RBS, PSU, FANS) or of the NT.