User's Manual

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Issue 02 -January, 10 2000 37/1363CC10875AAAA TQ BJA 02
Figure 17 Antenna alignment adjustment mechanisms
Coarse elevation (tilt) locking screw
Coarse bearing locking
Bearing locking screw
Bearing turn-
Ground connection hole
Elevation (tilt) turn-
Elevation (tilt) locking
Deflection characteristics:
The total deflection is: bearing = 270_, elevation = + – 25_; these values are obtained with the
turnbuckles set to “maximum”.
The deflection obtained with the turnbuckles is : elevation = + – 9_ bearing = + – 9_ . Alignment adjustment procedure
1. Using a control system (graduated level or inclinometer) positioned on the straight part of the antenna
(Figure 18), ensure that it is perfectly horizontal (tilt 0_).
2. Make a bearing alignment in the direction intended by the radio planners (compass, ”TopoChaix”, etc.).
3. To avoid obstacles during installation, the “bearing” turnbuckle may be mechanically reversed on the
pole–mounting. However, the bearing axis
remain vertical.
4. Tighten the “coarse” bearing locking screw. Turn the bearing turn–buckle. Tighten the four bearing front
screws (alternate diagonal tightening) torque of 1.5m daN.
5. Check that the rough elevation screw is locked to a torque of 1.5m daN.
6. Using the “fine” elevation adjustment on the pole mounting (site elevation turnbuckle), set the tilt angle
intended by the radio planners (e.g., tilt down 5_). Check this value with the control system (graduated level,
inclinometer, ”TopoChaix”, etc.) positioned on the straight horizontal part of the antenna or the pole
Nota : To minimize the unscrewing of the elevation turnbuckle, make careful use of the “coarse” adjustment
in the first stage. The turnbuckle must remain in the mid–position (
85mm center distance ). Never
exceed a center distance of 94mm.
7. Secure the two “elevation” side locking screws. Tighten completely the screws to lock the assembly in
position, to a torque of 3 mdaN. Finish the operation by tightening the turnbuckle counter–screws to an
reference torque of 2 mdaN. This ends the antenna alignment.
8. Check the bearing and elevation of the antenna once the assembly has been firmly secured. If a shift is
noted, repeat the adjustement(s) in question.