5. How can I make a screenshot?
Users can share what's on their screens more easily by taking screenshots. Hardware
buttons let them snap a screenshot and store it locally. Afterward, they can view, edit,
and share the screen shot in Gallery or a similar app.
Push power button and Volume down button at the same time for a couple of seconds.
You should then see an animation showing you the screenshot, and view the screenshot
by tapping on the thumbnail in the notification tray or by visiting your Gallery
6. How can I change the permission for my apps?
If an app supports the new permissions model on Android M, you dont have to grant
any permission when you install or update the app. Instead, the app requests
permissions when needed.
You can change the app permission in the Settings > Apps menu>selecting an app and
then clicking Permissions. Use the toggles to switch individual permissions on or off.
7. What can I do with BOOM key?
Boom key is a multifunction lateral key for IDOL 4.