User Manuals

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Wi-Fi status
Wi-Fi is enabled.
Wi-Fi is disabled.
3.2.3 Status
Status allows you to view your device information including internet, LAN,
WAN and Wi-Fi. You can connect, disconnect or change the SSID of the device
3.2.4 
The internet stascs can be seen here, both for your current session and your
total trac for the month. You can also reset the stascs from here.
These gures are only meant to be used as a guide.
LAN and Wi-Fi stascs can also be viewed.
3.2.5 Device access
You can configure access to the internet and storage for any connected
devices. Connected devices will be shown in the table on this page. It is
possible to enable or disable access for each device. You can also rename each
connected device.
3.2.6 Setup wizard
You can make changes to basic connection settings here and enable/disable
data roaming.
On the next page, you can change the SSID or enable/disable 2.4GHz.
On the final page, you can set up your Wi-Fi security and change the Wi-Fi