User Manual - Boost Mobile

2. Select Sengs -> Wi-Fi Sengs -> Whitelist or Blacklilst
of MAC.
3. Aer iniang the whitelist funcon, you need to know the
user client’s MAC address and add it to the list. The format
is XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX. The device is capable of connecng
up to 16 devices at one me. To maximize connecon speeds
while mulple users are connected, it is recommended to limit
the users to 10 at a me.
4. If you would like to remove a user on the whitelist, click the
buon and then click Ye s to conrm and remove. This user
will no longer be allowed to connect to the network.
Updang Your Soware Version
Check the soware version currently installed on your mobile
1. Using the web browser on your computer, go to
2. Within the web User Interface, select the Sengs tab.
3. Under the Device Informaon secon, nd Soware Version
to idenfy which soware version is currently installed on
your device.
Update your mobile hotspot to the most recent soware version
1. Using the web browser on your computer, go to
2. Within the web User Interface, select the Sengs tab.
3. Under the Sengs tab, go to Device Sengs, nd Soware
Updates and click on the Check for Updates buon in order
to determine if a more recent soware version is available
for your Mobile Hotspot.
4. If an update to your Mobile Hotspot is available, a window
will display showing System update available. Click the
Download buon to download the update.
5. Once download has been completed, click the Update buon
to complete the installaon of the most recent soware
version for your Mobile Hotspot.