Operation Manual

PC requirements
Packet service
2 Speed Touch Configuration Guide
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3EC 17058 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 04
2.1 Check your PC Configuration
This User's Guide presents typical configurations based on PC(s)
with following basic configuration:
The PC's Operating System (OS) supports the TCP/IP protocol
The PC is configured with a fixed Net10" IP address (*)
A Web browser is installed.
(*) The STHome DHCP server is by default disabled.
Depending on the supported Packet Service(s) on the VC(s), the
following additional requirements apply:
In case of Transparent Bridging:
The SP might provide static IP address(es) for your PC(s)
or require you to enable DHCP
In case of Bridged PPPoE:
A PPPoE session client application must be readily
installed on your PC
In case of PPPoAtoPPTP Relaying:a PPTP dialin
The PC's OS must support PointtoPoint Protocol (PPP)
and PointtoPoint Tunnelling Protocol (PPTP).
Note: All Microsoft Windows OSs support PPP and PPTP.
A PPTP DialUp application must be installed on your PC.
Note: All Microsoft Windows OSs have a PPTP DialUp application
installed per default.