Quick Start Guide

5. Note: Your garage door motor may use push slot fastening or
screw fastening.
6. Note: Identify the Slot or Screw positioning of your controller
wiring, and particularly the positioning of the White (neutral)
and Colored (hot) wiring. The Colored wiring will be Black or
7. Disconnect the two wires from the garage door motor. For Slot
positioning you may need a pointed tool to disengage the
8. Twist together the ends of the wall controller wire with your
spool wiring, ensuring White on White, and Color on Color. The
Garager 2 wiring ends are both neutral for your knowledge.
9. Re-insert or Connect the now twisted pairs of wiring back into
their original positioning. This may require loosening the tabs or
screws depending on your garage door model.
Step 7
Where: In the Garage
Note: Your motor ports may look dierent from this image.
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