User's Guide

SCRAM Rem ot e Br eat h
Most exible opt ion in breat h alcohol t esting!
I nt r o duct i o n . .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. ... .. .. 1
Log On To SCRAM N ET .................................................... 2
I nit ia l Clien t Set up ....................................................... 3
Add New Client in SCRAMNET ................................................. 3
Assign SCRAM Rem ot e Breat h Device ...................................... 4
Est ablish Test Schedule ......................................................... 6
Set Court esy Rem inder ....................................................... 10
Ongoing Clie nt Mana gem ent ....................................... 1 1
Process Event s/ Alert s .......................................................... 11
Replace SCRAM Rem ot e Breat h Device .................................. 12
I nit iat e On- Dem and Test ..................................................... 14
Move From CAM To Rem ot e Breat h Monit oring ........................ 15
Move From Rem ot e Breat h To CAM Monit oring ........................ 15
Closing Task s ............................................................. 1 6
Check I n SCRAM Rem ot e Breat h Device ................................. 16
De vice Maint ena nce ................................................... 1 7
Replace/ Charge Bat t ery in SCRAM Rem ot e Breat h Device ........ 17
Clean SCRAM Rem ot e Breat h Device ..................................... 17
Aler t s and Event s ....................................................... 1 8
Assignm ent Alert s .............................................................. 18
Test Result s Event s/ Alert s .................................................... 19
Com m unicat ion Alert .......................................................... 19
Scheduled Alert s ................................................................ 20
Equipm ent Alert s ................................................................ 20
Pr oduct Speci ca t ions ................................................ 2 1