User's Manual

Introduction and Overview
Version: 2.3 8 10/15/2009
Caseload A caseload is a group of active clients being managed by an
Agent or Agent Supervisor.
Client A client is an individual that has enrolled in the SCRAM
Compliance The term ‘compliance’ denotes the status of a client that is in
full conformity with the terms of the SCRAM Participant
Customer A customer is anyone with whom AMS may have a business
partnership, such as a Service Provider, Agency, or Court.
Judicial The Judicial area of the site is specific to court and judge
Non-compliance The term ‘non-compliance’ denotes the status of a client that
is NOT in conformity with the terms of the Participant
Offender An offender is a client that has been assigned to comply with
the terms of the SCRAM Participant Agreement.
Region The Region area of SCRAMNET provides a way for a
customer (normally a national organization) to group
different business units.
Scheduled Maintenance The SCRAM Bracelet requires schedule maintenance. An
alert is generated, informing you that scheduled maintenance
is required.
Service Provider A Service Provider is usually a private enterprise that
manages and monitors clients for an Agency.
Servicing Location A Servicing Location is a facility, such as an office, that is
used to manage clients and SCRAM equipment.
As you are setting up your SCRAM Program, performing an equipment task, monitoring
SCRAM clients, etc., it may be necessary to contact AMS. As seen below, you can
contact AMS via telephone or e-mail.
o Weekdays and Weekends—303.785.7879