User's Manual

Business Guidelines – Processes and Procedures
Version: 2.3 46 10/15/2009
Third Time
o The supervising agent is notified of both events by the submission of a Non-
Compliance Report and client is sanctioned by reviewing the Non-
Compliance Report, if appropriate.
o Place a copy of the Non-Compliance Report in the client’s file and enter a
comment in SCRAM
Communication Issue
First Time
o The client is contacted and asked why the modem did not complete required
o The client is issued a verbal reprimand.
o Place a note in the client’s file and enter a comment in SCRAM
Second time
o The supervising agent instructs the client to report with the modem and
performs an observed download.
o Change scheduled communication time and instruct the client that data
uploads are their responsibility.
Third time
o A Non-Compliance Report is submitted to the supervising agent/agency and
reviewed by client.
De-Installation/Program Completion
Review the payment history of the client to determine the amount owed. Assess
how any outstanding payments will be handled.
Update the billing sheet and issue final invoice showing paid in full.
Check in the SCRAM equipment using SCRAM
Ensure that the uploaded data does NOT contain any non-compliance events.
Note: The client cannot be removed if a non-compliance event is suspected.
Give the supervising agent a notice of program completion.
Communication with Supervising Agency/Officer
Establish protocols to ensure that a consistent flow of pertinent information is
delivered per the agency’s specification.
E-mail or fax a softcopy or mail a hardcopy of the Non-Compliance Report.
Service Provider/Agency establishes a single point of contact with AMS by
establishing a relationship with an AMS Customer Services Manager.