User's Manual

Business Guidelines – Processes and Procedures
Version: 2.3 55 10/15/2009
Ongoing Client Management
While on the SCRAM Program, the equipment assigned to the client will require routine
maintenance. Equipment maintenance tasks include:
Replace the bracelet
Replace the battery
Replace the faceplate
Replace the straps
Replace the modem
Manually upload bracelet data
A physical inspection should be performed on the SCRAM Bracelet each time the client
comes into the office for any reason. When performing the inspection, ensure that the
bracelet still fits correctly on the ankle, that no evidence of an obstruction or damage is
In addition to client-maintenance activities, a Client Compliance Report is available to
show a client’s progress while enrolled in the SCRAM Program.
Let’s start with how the SCRAM Bracelet is replaced.
Replace Bracelet
The SCRAM Bracelet is a complex piece of equipment that contains both hardware and
software. There may be instances where you need to “swap out” the bracelet. To replace
the bracelet, follow the Replace Bracelet Wizard steps that appear in the following order:
1. Enter a bracelet serial number then click the Assign Equipment button.
2. Establish a communication schedule then click the Submit Schedule button.
o Daily Scheduled Communication – This schedule option directs you to
enter at least one time during a day that the bracelet and modem
communicate in order to upload readings taken during the last 24 hours.
o Manual Scheduled Communication – With this option, you can designate
certain days during a week that the client must initiate contact between the
bracelet and modem. In the example given, the client must wake up the
bracelet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before 6:00 PM. After 6:00
PM, a Communication alert will be generated.
o Periodic Manual Communication – This option allows you to set an
interval, by days, that the bracelet and modem will communicate. For
example, selecting the 3(72 hours) radio button establishes that the client
must wake up the bracelet at least once every 3 days to establish
bracelet/modem communication and upload bracelet data. After 3 days
without any communication between the two devices, a Communication alert
will be generated.
3. Click the Yes button if the client’s modem is available and the No button if it is