User's Manual

User Reports
Version: 2.3 75 10/15/2009
User Reports
"A page of history…”
“… is worth a volume of logic.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
NET site provides easily assessable user reports. These reports give you, the user,
a mechanism to measure the success of your business, monitor clients’ compliance, and
manage inventory. Several reports summarize (roll up) data to give you a broader view of
the information.
All reports in SCRAMNET allow you to modify the results using filters. These filters
appear at the top of each report.
Figure 18: Report Filters
Call Center
Several reports are available to the Call Center Supervisor. They include:
Client Summary for Judge Report
Call Center Activity Report
Court Activity Report
Compliance Summary by Agency Report
Compliance Summary by Court Report
Usage by Agency Report
Usage by Court Report